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Long Beach, CA

To Sit Like a God and Create II

Poetry Blog

To Sit Like a God and Create II

Brandon Cook

In this rented room
Fifty miles from the chaos and consuming consternation
That I call my life
My life on fire
My life on fire, free-wheeling like a drunk gypsy,
Careening like a careless comet
There is such soothing comfort in:

The sorting of wayward papers
Receipts and notes and numbers
Stuffed into my pocket
Now thrown away
Or filed into my wallet

The slow unzipping of my suitcase
Clothes unrolled
From neat corners, tight folds
Placed at perfect angles

The finding of a place for everything
Until I can sigh contentedly
That everything goes where it’s meant to go

I stand a triumphant creator
Ex nihilo
Ordo Ab Chao
Over three feet square of carpet
Which is just enough

In the hurricane, an eye
Through which, I know
Everything will be alright